The Future in Our Hands Education and Development Fund Logo

The original logo produced, by our founder Mike Thomas, when we were first established as a registered charity in 1995 (1047953). The ethos of the charity being clearly illustrated with the older generation passing on the green planet to the children of the next generation. We had clearly hoped to pass on a planet in a better sustainable state to future generations. Increased understanding of climate change has made this objective very challenging. Whilst our ethos has remained consistent throughout the thirty years. We have consistently attempted to initiate funding for ecologically and sustainably aware initiatives. Developing a network of cooperation through our first hand contacts and NGOs across the most disadvantaged communities.

Our ethos originated from the ideas and perceptions of 1970s authors

Erik Dammann is a Norwegian author, environmentalist and scholar, known for founding the organisation Future in Our Hands. His work challenges Western values and lifestyles in order to promote a more responsible attitude to the environment and the developing world

Ernst F Schumacher an author of Small is Beautiful. Economics as if people mattered is a political non fiction book  which centres on the premise that economics should serve us the people, as opposed to the other way round.

Our newly designed logo , was produced by daughters and granddaughters in our organization . The clear objective was to produce a higher definition image which needed to maintain or perhaps enhance the clarity of our mission statement, ethos and purpose. We believe best achieved by pursuit of gender equality and furthermore nurturing biodiversity and sustainability.

The deliberate choice of a female Gaia figure

We endeavour to enhance the status of women and children in the development process.

We seek to enhance ecological awareness and sustainability

We include a strong element of education or training in our projects

We support initiatives that originate from local communities through non governmental organizations.

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