QUESTIONS ABOUT IDEAS WHICH CANNOT BE RATIONALLY OR SCIENTIFICALLY VERIFIED Homeopathy is a system based on the principle that a much diluted preparation of a substance that...
QUESTIONS ABOUT IDEAS WHICH CANNOT BE RATIONALLY OR SCIENTIFICALLY VERIFIED Homeopathy is a system based on the principle that a much diluted preparation of a substance that...
Who was Rudolf Steiner Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) was a self proclaimed Austrian clairvoyant, who founded a movement/religion which he named anthroposophy in 1913 after he split from...
Cameroon Gender and Environment Watch (CAMGEW) CAMGEW works to see social and environmental justice put at the centre of development. It works with all age groups. It...
Centre for Community Regeneration and Development (CCREAD-Cameroon) is a youth led development organization established in 2004 and legally registered as a non profit organization in December 2006...
Future In Our Hands Cooperative Oku FIOH Oku is a women’s farming cooperative made of over 5 Common Initiative Groups (CIGs) representing over five villages in Oku...
Strategic Humanitarian Services (SHUMAS), a Cameroonian Development NGO, after working on its own for sometime, considered possible networking and collaboration with northern NGOs who shared common objectives...
FIOH Sierra Leone carried out this programme in 2015. The FIOH Fund contributed £7,138 towards this project located in the Tonkolili, Bombali and Port Loko districts in...
Background and problem analysis Before the advent of the 11 years long civil conflict in Sierra Leone, education was regarded as one of the corner stones of...
Future in Our Hands Sierra Leone Background An FIOH group was established by Olatunde Johnson in Freetown in the 1980s and registered as a national non-government organisation...
Nursery Development for Environmental Education and Forest Regeneration in Oku In 2014 the FIOH Fund provided grants of £500 each for community tree planting to two non-government...