Permaculture Ghana
Permaculture Ghana
The following photographs illustrate projects initiated by Permaculture Project in Ghana co-ordinated by Paul Yeboah. There has been a large focus on working with women farmers and environmental education with children of all ages eg. Carbon credit/oxygen from trees, food and nutrition, soil improvement and animal fodder. After such a workshop with the schools the project also provides them with tree seeds and polypots for nursery practices and management. Our vegetation cover in the region is being lost very fast and the project training is expected bring about a big change in attitudes in the area towards the environment and the value of tree planting by the year 2017. Tree species being planted include acacia siamea, moringa, mango, citrus, mahogany, cocoa, cederella, albizia, teak, leucaena, gliricidia, ofram and millitia. The project also includes instruction in organic methods of gardening. Ghanaens in general do not add enough vegetables/fruits to their food as such and education is provided to the school pupils in the importance of a balanced diet.
The focus of the organisation’s activities recognises the importance of a balanced diet of vitamins, minerals and amino acids for good health. Deficiencies in any of these nutrients can lead to health problems – scurvy can be caused by a lack of vitamin C, night blindness by a lack of vitamin A, kwashiorkor by a lack of protein, anaemia by a lack of iron. Other health problems can be caused by a lack of vitamins obtained from vegetables, fruits and moringa leaves.
Tree planting at Dupari in the Upper West Region
Kulpong D.A. Primary School at Wa in the Northern Region (left). Akunfi Ameyaw Senior High School (right).
Training in the production of cream, soap, ointment and shampoo made from the leaves of the moringa tree. The powder from the leaves can be used as a food supplement.
Process of wood sawdust compost for growing mushrooms being shown to a group of Peace Corp visitors from the USA.
Neem seeds, neem oil processing, neem cake fertilizer, neem products – insecticide, shampoo, soap.
Pesticides are made from neem tree leaves and the process can be seen here: