FIOH Network videos

SHUMAS organic farming training centre

A training centre for organic farming methods located near Kumbo in the NW Region of Cameroon run by alocal non-government organisation, Strategic Humanitarian Services.


SHUMAS vocational training centre for disabled people

A vocational training centre for disabled people located in Bamenda in the NW Region of Cameroon run by a local non-government organisation, Strategic Humanitarian Services.


CAMGEW vocational training centre.

A vocational training centre located in Oku in the NW Region of Cameroon run by a local non-government organisation, Cameroon Gender and Environment Watch.


CAMGEW environmental education programme

An environmental education programme for schools in the NW Region of Cameroon run by a local non-government organisation, Strategic Humanitarian Services.


GLORES treatment centre for disabled children in Cameroon

A treatment and rehabilitation centre for disabled children located in Bafoussam in the W Region of Cameroon run by a local non-government organisation, Global Rehabilitation Services. Interview with the director of GLORES, Alfred Wingo.


Kroobay slum in Freetown, Sierra Leone

Illustrates the unhealthy conditions for people living in a large city slum. Interview with one of the community’s tribal chiefs.

SHUMAS eucalyptus replacement project in Cameroon

Illustrates the second phase of a project to cut down eucalyptus trees in the NW Region of Cameroon and replace them with mainly indigenous trees for agroforestry and water catchment protection.
The eucalyptus had been lowering water tables and reducing crop yields on adjoining land and meant that thousands of women had to walk long distances to fetch water and find suitable land to farm.


Cameroon tree species

A farmer in Kumbo, NW Region of Cameroon explains the uses of tree species commonly found in the region.


Walk to Nkuf, Cameroon

Michael Thomas (FIOH Fund, UK) and SHUMAS staff join women farmers on one of the long walks women make to their farming locations.  Women are forced to walk these long distances because eucalyptus trees had been planted on the land close to their homes.


Thar desert, Pakistan

Gives an indication of what life is like for poor people living in the Thar desert who often migrate during periods of severe drought.


FIOH Cameroon seminar

A seminar organised in 2014 in Bamenda, NW Region of Cameroon, bringing together people from different sectors of society with an aim to share best practice for sustainable development.


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