How worried should we be about the spread of Monkey Pox ?

What is Monkey Pox? (MPox)
Monkeypox is a virus in the same family as smallpox, although less harmful. The virus was originally animal to human transmitted, but is now human to human. Typically MPox is not fatal, however if you are vulnerable, malnourished, with poor access to healthcare, MPox poses a risk to life. – See links at the end of the article for further reading and sources.
What was our response?
FIOH reaction to this news feed was to send immediate grant aid to Sierra Leone hoping that our contact Alpha Kargbo could launch an information and education campaign about the serious nature of this infection. The likely methods of spread and also overcome any perceived negativity and suspicion around a vaccine programme. He aims to achieve this through information and education rather than antivax disinformation.
Our response has proved to be very timely with the news from the Government of the first suspected case of MPox in Sierra Leone. First recorded case of MPox was in Makong village, less than 10km NE from Mike Thomas school at Mile 91. This makes this epidemic a close and pressing issue with the work we do, and people we aim to help.
On 20th August a 32 year old man presented with numerous symptoms of MPox, fever, lesions, raised bumps, pus filled blisters, accompanied by muscle pain, joint pain, headaches and weakness reporting that he had the symptoms worsening since 12th August. He reported that he normally hunts rodents and had no travel history outside his local area. Medical response was thorough with the District Health officer informed and a Rapid Response Team alerted. This team collected samples and he was evacuated to the nearest Government Isolation Hospital Unit in Koidu 60 kms away.

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